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Stress and the Holistic Alternative

Mastery of one’s Self begins by the Mastering of one’s Mind. Are you controlling your mind or is your mind controlling you?

The importance of meditation cannot be overstated. It is in all ways beneficial, healthy, life-giving, and peace-bringing. There are many forms of meditation. I would like to shed light on one in particular, a type of meditation that I call No Mind Meditation, or Empty Mind Meditation.

The problems that we humans create for ourselves are derived and cultured more in the mind than anywhere else; they are, generally and mainly, mental. And if that is the case, then by developing the mind and healing the pathology of the mind, we should also be able to subsequently heal the body. Whether our issues entail violence or mental illnesses, are emotional or physical, we could most definitely say that it all starts in the mind.

Every day, pharmaceutical companies would like to convince you that the problems of your mental illness or of your physical and emotional illness are something that you can solve—quite simply, quite drastically—with a drug. And yet there is a holistic alternative with far better results and none of the potentially horrific side effects: it is more effective and it doesn’t kill you or warp you further as some drugs do (and thus making you an inconvenience or even threat to those around you)!

Problems such as high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and stress can all be healed by utilizing the powerful force of cultivating No Mind. Consider that most people have never trained their minds. The mere collecting of information—that we all do on a daily basis, of course—doesn’t train your mind. It only fills it with stuff. Albeit useful, this doesn’t at all reach the optimization, creativity, and mindfulness that your brain and self are capable of. Either you are running your mind or your mind is running you.

The positive effects that meditation can have on the brain and the frequencies in which it operates are endless. For instance, meditation:

* Allows you to access deep, super-pleasurable meditative states
* Strengthens your immune system, health, and overall well-being
* Amplifies feelings of inspiration, vitality, rejuvenation, happiness, and confidence
* Enhances and improves sleep, eliminates insomnia, and boosts energy
* Permanently reduces stress, worry, anxiety, depression, irritability, and moodiness
* Helps the mind attain self-actualization and enlightenment
* Contributes to you living more in the “now” by enhancing your daily awareness
* Naturally boosts DHEA, Serotonin, GABA, Melatonin, Endorphins; reduces Cortisol
* Eliminates all uncontrollable habits, fears, and phobias
* Significantly decreases “mental chatter” and self-destructive impulses
* Explores and expands your self-awareness and state of consciousness
* Restores your natural PH Balance, creating a sequence of enormously beneficial changes
* Increases emotional stability, psychological balance, and mental harmony
* Enhances your motivation, personal growth, intuition, creativity, and goal-reaching abilities

* Provides you with more mental processing power and instant “whole brain synchronization”
* Increases your learning ability, memory, and concentration
* Maintains your clarity of thought at all times

Given all these positive life-altering effects, it’s a wonder that more people don’t practice meditation! Of course, the primary reason that people don’t do it is quite simply because most people don’t understand it or know how to do it properly. If anyone has tried to meditate, they quickly realize that it is not very easy to be able to find that place (physically and mentally) where your mind settles and you are able to attain a sense of ultimate peace. Most people think that they just don’t have time for it. The problem is not that they don’t have the time… the issue is that they think they don’t.

Our mind is like a runaway train. It wants to be anywhere but the present moment. There is the past, there is the present, and there is the future. It’s really rather amazing and ironic, but the vast majority of people are never able to be in the present. They exist somewhere in this past-future place: a liminal space of being alive, but not really living in the fullest. As a result they come to a station called Depression. It’s because they have tried to utilize the mind and the emotions in order to create the things that they want, but unfortunately their mind and emotions are not strong enough to do it; they have not cultivated themselves enough to be strong enough.

It seems amazing especially when considering the people who are well-educated. Their belief in the power of their mind has been reinforced by many years of education. But this education, the gathering of information, is really only the collection of things that have form. Say, for example, that you have never had sex before, and you read a book about how to have sex. And say you read it several times over (you’ll likely find it fascinating each time). So you read it and read it many times. At the end of reading it and collecting all the information within, could you say you actually “know” how to have sex? Probably not—not until you do it, at least. You need to put theory into practice; otherwise it is merely theoretical. But this is the place that most of us find ourselves at: the theoretical world. Always looking to be “informed” and never really “knowing.” It’s because the mind is only able to hold onto thoughts (which are, if you think about it, just condensed energy forms) and it actually blocks you from essentially “knowing.” So here we find ourselves with a strong mind and strong emotions associated with them. And know that emotions are equally powerful; they are the body’s way of expressing—consciously or subconsciously—what we think and believe. Do not underestimate neither the mind nor the emotions.

Most people are traumatized by the pain and hurt of their past, and this in turn is connected to their fear of it in the future. The future isn’t real—not yet. The future is what we make up in our mind. Whatever you focus on is what you create. So if you focus on your fears, you wind up creating them. This is the reason for our anxiety. We have what is called the Monkey Mind. Here is how the monkey mind works: say you want to catch a monkey in Africa. So what you do is you get a big jar that has a small neck opening at the top. And you put some fruit in the bottom. Then when the monkey comes to grab it, it sticks in its paw and is caught because it refuses to let go. It is attached. Attachment can bring pleasure, but it also brings suffering. So this is the reason we suffer. It’s really a function of the ego, of the mind. Will a drug help this? No, it won’t. A drug will only do what all drugs do: make you addicted to the drug. No drug can solve this problem. Sadly, the gullible public, not having any other solutions, goes for the bait.

Don’t be fooled. Realize that your problems require a holistic alternative. That holistic alternative must include an approach to deal with your stress, your monkey mind. And that approach—that solution—is to go inward. “The kingdom of heaven is within,” as the biblical line states—and there is much truth in that. This is what your problems are calling for: real solutions, not a magic act. Not someone to tell you, “You have a brain chemical imbalance,” or some other such nonsense (can you even test that? no… but still that’s just what they tell you!). And consider this: If you have a cup full of water, then you can’t put anything else in it. You must empty it first. And once you empty it, this allows you to put something else in it. Our minds are this way. Emptying your mind will give you access to the infinite source for everything in your life. Call that source God, the Universal Mind, Jehovah, Allah, The Great Spirit, a Greater Power—call it whatever you want. Whatever you call it, it’s already inside of you. You don’t have to go anywhere to get it. You just have to get your mind out-of-the-way in order to experience it.

It is only by cultivating that state of No Mind that you become more clear-headed, more at peace, and able to experience the one true emotion: love. Love is peace with yourself, and with all others around you. It will allow you to go from peace to pleasure, which is what happiness is.

The inner conflict that you have doesn’t just go away. Like any other problem, it needs to be healed. It cries out for a solution, a treatment, a permanent respite. And if you drug it, it will still be there, drugged and hibernating and stirring every so often and ever so horribly. It will haunt you, for you would have not only your original problems, but also an additional drug addiction: a poisonous cherry on a killer cake. Drugs also kill you as every single one of them is toxic to your liver. Your depression is because you know you are capable of so much more. Deep down you realize that the methods of using your mind and emotions will only get you so far. Try the No Mind meditation and you will be amazed at how much your stress will dissipate, and how happy you can be. Material things will never bring you satisfaction. But connecting to the inner part of yourself will. It is up to you to decide to reach your full healthy and happy potential.

Success to each of you in accomplishing this great work!



Take the first step today! Find the answers you are looking for and the solace you seek with the help of my “No Mind Meditation,” obtainable by either Instant Download or on a CD at: